Eaton HotSwap MBP
4 Schuko sockets + 1 IEC 16 A socket
HotSwap MBP provides a maintenance bypass for all UPSs. UPSs can be hot swapped or upgraded without interrupting the power supply.
HotSwap MBP are available with multiple power ratings:
- 3000 VA
- 6000 VA
- 11000 VA
- 11000 VA (3 ph Input)
HotSwap MBP provides compatibility with any UPS now and in the future from Eaton or any other supplier
The HotSwap MBP 3000 VA is available with different output connectors: French, Schuko, British, IEC or terminal blocks (Hard-Wired version).
When used with a 9PX or 9SX the HotSwap MBP 6000 VA and above are providing information on the Bypass status through the UPS LCD screen.
HotSwap MBP units can be installed as required; at the back, side, top of the UPSs, or rack-mounted.